
nearly living in the city, not quite living in the country

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

You're going where?

The title to this post is the response I got from every.single.person who bothered to listen about my newest adventure with the husband. Honestly, I had the same reaction when the husband told me we would be attending his friend's wedding in...Colombia.

What's the first thing that comes to mind? The FARC? drug trafficking?...exactly. I read Our Guerillas, Our Sidewalks in college, so I harbored a certain amount of fear about traveling to Colombia. Fortunately, all my fears were completely washed away once we arrived at our destination - Cartagena, Colombia.

We left at 4am on a Friday morning to make the trip out to JFK to catch our Avianca flight to Miami and then on to Cartagena. If you need to travel from the U.S. to Latin America, I highly recommend Avianca. It's like JetBlue (which I also love), but even more awesome. We carried our bags onboard so we wouldn't have to worry about lost luggage, it was annoying, but I'm glad we did it in light of all the troubles to come.

We touched down in Cartagena at 2ish Friday afternoon and it was hot, overcast and HUMID. Cartagena is located on the Atlantic side of Colombia, so there was a nice ocean breeze, but it doesn't really stop the humidity. Here's a picture from our super cool van.

Ah the van, it was our place of refuge. Before the trip the lovely bride and groom sent us a good deal of information on local hotels, airlines servicing Cartagena and a schedule for the wedding weekend. Fortunately, they also made transportation arrangements to the hotel for us. This was both a good and bad thing considering we didn't speak Spanish...we were told to exit the customs area and a company would be waiting to pick us up.

As we exited, there was no company, just a million taxi drivers swarming us. We wandered around for 5 minutes or so and went back in the terminal to see if someone could help us. The tour company had an office in the terminal, but we had to climb a set of stairs to get there, which we both proceeded to fall down. I have no idea how this happened, but I went down after three steps or so, then the husband went down. Nice. When we got to the office, the agent had no idea who we were and why we were bothering her, but she called someone who could help and lo and behold, there was the van waiting outside filled with people from our flight. Whatevs.

SO, we end up at our hotel, Casa del Curato. Now I probably shouldn't be naming names, because we didn't end up staying there. Why is that? They LOST OUR RESERVATION and were completely booked. We were in Colombia for less than 1 hour, it was hot and humid, we didn't speak Spanish (ok, ok, now I see how it feels to be in a place where no one speaks your language - I get it), we had a rehearsal dinner to be at in an hour and a half, and now NO HOTEL. They did give us some drinks while we waited. Here are some pictures to tide you over until my next segment...

This is THE cathedral in town. It's ginormous.

Fruit carts were everywhere. I believe you are looking at mangoes, aloe, coconuts, plantains and papayas.

Mayo in a tube. Gross - really just because I hate mayo.

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